Study tip: use the Pomodoro Technique

When you sit down to perform a task, whether it’s homework or studying or writing, focus completely on the task for 25-minute intervals. The Pomodoro Technique says to:

1.   Set a timer for 25 minutes.
2.   Work on the task without interruption or distraction for the full 25 minutes. Use SelfControl or another app to keep you off the internet if you need. Put your phone on Airplane Mode.
3.   When the timer goes off, take 3-5 minute break to do whatever you want. Mark an X to keep track of completed blocks—this help you monitor time and also build confidence.
4.   For every four blocks—once you’ve marked four Xs—take a longer, 15-30 minute break.

If you use Chrome, Strict Workflow has a Pomodoro extension that will help block web use during the 25-minute blocks.

Quirky fact: the method gets its name from the tomato-shaped timer the creator used. Pomodoro is Italian for tomato.

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