Study Tip: read Cal Newport

Cal Newport is a computer scientist at Georgetown University. He works with distributed algorithm theory, whatever that is. But his hobby is thinking about—and writing about—productivity and efficiency. The past few years he’s really focused his productivity work on Knowledge Workers: academics, designers, writers, people like that. Knowledge Work is most likely the kind of work you aspire to.

But early on, while he was still a grad student at M.I.T., he wrote a lot of really good stuff about being a more successful, efficient, and happy student. Check out his book How to Be a High School Superstar. If you’re about to be out of high school, look for Howto Win at College. Also go to his blog called Study Hacks. It’s a When you get to his blog, click on the “if you’re new to Study Hacks click here” link on the right and scroll down to the “What did you used to write about?” section. Read those older blog posts. They’re very worthwhile.

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