Tilda Swinton sleeps at MoMA

There are a number of actors whom I've hyperbolic praised, saying something to the effect of "I'd even watch ________ just sit for hours without doing anything." Tilda Swinton is one of those actors, and I missed my chance.

She--without any previous announcement or publicity--performed her piece The Maybe at the Museum of Modern Art this weekend. The performance piece requires her to spend about eight hours in a transparent box for viewers. She'll perform the piece again at MoMA, but they won't say when.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Here is Jerry Saltz's take on the show: http://www.vulture.com/2013/03/jerry-saltz-moma-sleeping-tilda-swinton.html

Also, I mistakenly attributed the piece only to Swinton. It's Cornelia Parker's piece, Swinton is the performer.